We provide a forum for professional exchange and networking among Members
and engage with stakeholders across international finance to promote best practice and cooperation

- Meetings and webinars
- Online address book
- Young professionals initiative
- Internship exchange programme

- Berne Union Committees info sharing
- Specialist and technical groups
- Best practice and industry standards
- Prague Club Committee
- Most comprehensive industry data
- Quarterly business confidence index
- Country risk attitude
- Topical qualitative research

- Collective voice for the industry
- Thought leadership publications
- International outreach
- Briefings on credit insurance
You can access all BU data and research reports on this page: Berne Union Data and Research
Below is further info on the types of reports we publish. If you have any questions about BU data or research, please contact Joshua Koehler at the Berne Union Secretariat.
Export Credit Insurance Industry Data
State of the Industry Data Report
The Berne Union holds by far the most comprehensive data set on the business of export credit and investment insurance. We collect detailed information on risk exposure, commitments, claims, recoveries, premium income and reinsurance, by provider, business line, country, sector and by obligor type.
Our global membership includes the largest and most active national export credit agencies, as well as the largest commercial credit and political risk insurance providers, who collectively account for the vast majority of export credit insurance activity globally.
Members submit data on their business activities twice annually, covering activity up to the end of the second quarter, and for the full year. Members can access BU data via our custom excel plugin (info here). Non Members can access our latest publication of aggregate data and analysis on the state of the export credit insurance industry here: 2021 State of the Industry Report
Business Confidence Index
The Berne Union’s Business Confidence Index was launched in 2021, with the objective to provide a continuous indicator of the overall perception of demand, risk appetite and claims in the export credit insurance industry.
Qualitative Research
In addition to business trends data and the business confidence research, the Berne Union also conducts research and reports on qualitative industry developments as these arise. e.g. Response to COVID | Credit Insurance and the Real Economy
The Berne Union publishes a regular industry newsletter and annual yearbook.
If you are interested in contributing content to either of these, please contact Paul Heaney at the Berne Union Secretariat.
BUlletin Newsletter
The BUlletin is a regular industry newsletter which presents thought-pieces and high-level commentary, as well as regular data snapshots and member surveys, intended to provide a window into the industry for business partners across the world of trade and export finance.
Please sign up here to receive the BUlletin via email.
Berne Union Yearbook
The Berne Union Yearbook is an annual publication providing up-to-date information about our members and the current policies and strategies of international economic institutions. It features a collection of topical articles on export credit and investment insurance written by Berne Union members and leading international financial institutions, as well as a half-year data snapshot.
The Berne Union has a number of sub-groups focused on specific topics. This includes working groups to explore key topics and specialist groups of experts who meet regularly for technical exchanges. From time to time the Berne Union Management Committee also mandates Task Forces, led by an MC Member to work on a project relevant to the strategic objectives of the Berne Union, for a fixed period.

Specialist Technical Groups
- Claims and recoveries
- Country Risk
- Project Finance
- Digitalisation
- Rating and Pricing
The Berne Union’s committees are the fundamental organisational structures through which Members join and participate in the activities of the association. They are also the primary structure for coordinating interaction and information exchange between Members (including in relation to business data).
There are four committees. Two relating to product lines for ST and MLT insurance, and two relating to distinct business areas: official ECAs, and emerging credit insurers.
ST: Short Term Committee
- The Short Term (ST) Committee engages on all matters relating to short term export credit insurance: i.e. insurance of crossborder credit and political risks with a repayment term of 12 months or less.
- Participants include both public and private insurers.
- The ST Committee is led by the Chair Jean-Paul Steenbeke (CREDENDO) and Vice Chair Zheng Zhao (SINOSURE), managed by Arturs Karlsons at the Berne Union Secretariat
MLT: Medium / Long Term Committee
- The Medium/Long-Term (MLT) Committee engages on all matters relating to MLT export credit, political risk (PRI) and investment insurance. This includes insurance cover for exports with repayment terms greater than 12 months against commercial and political risks, and foreign investments (debt and equity) against political risk.
- Participants include both public and private insurers.
- The MLT Committee is led by the Chair Jim Thomas (EVEREST) and Vice Chair Jørn Fredsgaard Sørensenvan (EIFO), managed by Emily Kate Gray at the Berne Union Secretariat
ECA: Export Credit Agency Committee
- The Export Credit Agency (ECA) Committee engages on all matters relating to national export credit support provided by official ECAs, including business strategy, policy, international cooperation and all other matters falling under ECAs’ mandates.
- Participation is limited to institutions holding mandates from their governments for credit insurance activities in support of national exports.
- The ECA Committee is led by the Chair Pekka Karkovirta (FINNVERA) and Vice Chair Jan-Philipp Apking (EULER HERMES), managed by Didem Bayseferogullari at the Berne Union Secretariat
PC: Prague Club Committee
- The Prague Club (PC) Committee addresses the particular issues faced by smaller scale or newly established members of the international export credit and investment insurance community, who often have a local or regional market focus.
- It provides Members with information and education resources and assists nascent export credit organisations with sourcing technical support as they proceed through their establishment and development stage.
- Participants include a diverse mix of mainly public agencies as well as newly establishing ECAs.
- The PC Committee is led by the Chair Khalil ALHarthy (CREDIT OMAN) and Vice Chair Amal Jaradat (JLGC), managed by Eve Hall at the Berne Union Secretariat
About the Berne Union | Members | Leadership | History
Meetings | Newsletter | Yearbook | Data & Research