Hyderabad: Tech Hub, Historic Palaces, Cultural Capital

The Berne Union 2019 AGM will take place in Hyderabad, kindly hosted by the Berne Union's oldest Asian member, ECGC India

The meeting will take place from 20th - 24th October 2019

Please use the tabs above to familiarise yourself with the venue, surrounding area and the meeting agendas and documents

In addition to the usual Committee and Plenary Meetings, please note the follow events which are open to all Berne Union Members:

Monday, 21st October: Training workshop on the Psychology of Decision Making
Thursday, 24th October: Capacity Sharing Marketplace - networking and knowledge exchange with regional and international cross-border financing institutions

If you have a question or can't find something on this website, please email the Berne Union Secretariat: ncherry@berneunion.org