The 2019 Country Risk Specialist Meeting will be hosted by Eximbanka SR at the Crown Plaza, Bratislava from 24 - 25 June
Please note the meeting is planned back to back to the OECD meeting (26 - 27 June) to accommodate overseas travellers
(there are 5 flight a day from Vienna to Paris)
2019 CRSM Steering Committee :
• CESCE: María José Chaguaceda Sáinz
• EKF: Jørn Fredsgaard Sorensen
• EXIAR: Dmitri Fedotkin
• EXIMBANKA SR: Silvia Gavorníková, the Chair, and Terézia Maneková
• SINOSURE: Ms Xu Tian and Mr Pu Yu
• ZURICH: Nuria Gorog
• BU Secretariat: Eve Hall