Historic Timeline
1934: Berne Union founded by three private credit insurers from France, Italy, Spain, and the UK’s public sector representative.
UK Export Finance, ECGD at the time, is the only founding member that is still in existence under its original form
1934: First meeting held in Berne, Switzerland
(which is where the name Berne Union comes from)
1947: Berne Union welcomes its first non-European member, Export Development Canada (EDC)
Berne Union Secretariat established in Paris, France
1954 Berne Union statutes

Excerpt: “the present statutes approved by the General Assembly of 7th May 1954 will come into force as from that date. Each member will receive a copy”
1957: EPIC (now EFIC) Australia joins the Berne Union
1957: Berne Union welcomes first Asian member
"The Export Risks Insurance Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd.(ERIC)", later known as "Export Credit & Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.", and now "ECGC Ltd."
1957: The Berne Union hires its first Secretary General, Mr. Wladyslaw Houwalt

1958: Berne Union welcomes its first African member CGIC South Africa
Membership continues to expand
1970: The Berne Union’s mandate expands to include members who insure foreign investments; creation of the investment insurance committee (IIC)
1973: First Latin American member joins
(CASC, Argentina)
1974: The Berne Union has 32 members from 24 countries

1984: Berne Union celebrates its 50th anniversary;
Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Montreux, Switzerland
Berne Union members start to report business data
1989: Collapse of the Berlin wall which led to the creation of Eastern European export credit agencies
1992: Berne Union elects first Asian President, Mr. K. S. Foo (ECICS, Singapore)
1993: Foundation of the Prague Club with support from EBRD
The Prague Club aims to support new and maturing export credit agencies and insurers setting up and developing export credit and investment insurance schemes

1994: Berne Union elects first female President
(Soledad Abad, CESCE)
1994: First multi-lateral agency joins, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

1999: The export credit members formed two committees focusing on short term (ST) and medium-long term (MLT), ECA only, export credit business
1999: First Prague Club member joins the Berne Union, Export Credit Insurance Corporation Joint Stock Company (KUKE), Poland

2001: American International Group (AIG) joins Berne Union

2004: Berne Union Value Statement created
2006: Berne Union Guiding Principles created
2008 – 2009: global financial crisis
2009: Berne Union celebrates its 75th anniversary;
Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Seoul, Korea
2013: Prague Club celebrates 20th anniversary in Prague
2014: Berne Union celebrates its 80th anniversary
2016: Berne Union and Prague Club formally integrate
The integration was confirmed at the 2016 Warsaw Spring Meeting, with the amended statutes adopted soon after
2017: New Berne Union now represents 84 members from 73 countries worldwide
2017: Launch of the 'BUlletin' Newsletter
A new bi-monthly publication with thought-pieces and data from across the industry
2018: Capacity Sharing Marketplace connects BU members with DFIs
Part of the BU's outreach initiative to better connect members with external stakeholders in connected spheres of international finance

2019: Young professionals initiative launched
The YP initiative provides a platform which both promotes engagement and increases the value of our output for young, junior and rising professionals across the BU community.

2019: BU data collection expands to include sectors and additional products
BU data remains the most comprehensive source of information on the industry. 2019 also marked the publication of the first 'state of the industry' report, making aggregate level data and analysis available publicly

2020: BU Members respond to COVID-19 Pandemic
Members respond quickly to the crisis, with increased flexibility and new programmes to support the liquidity of exporters. The BU continues to connect members and collect information across the industry to support this.
2021: BU Committees restructure to reflect changes in the market
A new MLT committee brings together ECAs, multilateral and private insurers to discuss credit and investment. The ECA committee focuses on wider issues relating to official export credit support
2021: BU launches the first 'Business Confidence Index'
Based on quarterly member surveys the BCI provides a continuous indicator of the overall perception of demand, risk appetite and claims in the export credit insurance industry.
2022: BU launches a Climate Working Group
The CWG is unique in bringing together BU members and partners to focus on practical issues around climate finance and low carbon transition

2023: Private representation continues to grow
As of 2023 the number of private members has increased to 17

2024: BU celebrates it's 90th anniversary
BU Members continue to provide flexible risk capacity with over USD 3 trillion in total annual new commitments in support of trade and investment