Cooperation for Climate Impact

Online workshop, 7th and 10th June 2021

Practical workshop promoting cooperation in climate and transition finance between public and private institutions through trade, development and economic impact

Workshop focused on cooperation for climate finance

Our objective is to work together with participants to identify best practices and common roadblocks to cooperative climate finance and develop a catalogue of approaches based on the experience and ideas shared during the meeting.

We will publish the final outcomes and distribute these to participants and contributors following the workshop

Help us plan the meeting by sharing your views and experience

We are asking practitioners in trade and development finance to share views, experiences and case studies in advance to help us structure the discussions and plan follow-up for this collaborative project.

  • Share a case study / example of successful cooperation and innovation
  • Tell us about new products or changes to policy / processes in your institution
  • Help us identify the biggest challenges to financing climate impact

monday 7th June

The opening day of the workshop is structured around a series of presentations and discussions which will provide a background to the climate finance landscape and help frame the workshop challenges


Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Michal Ron, President, Berne Union, and Chief International Officer, SACE


How international finance is adapting to meet climate imperatives
Discussion around the role of different stakeholders across public / private / trade / development and how these institutions are adapting their business in terms of:
  • Substantive changes to mandate / policy and models of sustainability
  • Process changes within existing business
  • Scope of climate initiatives: a need for a more-joined up approach?
  • Suzanne Gaboury, Director General, Private Sector DivisionAsian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Helen Meekings, Head of Policy and Climate ChangeUK Export Finance (UKEF)
  • Kohei Toyoda, Chief Representative Dubai Office, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
  • Estelle Mercier, Head of International Climate Unit, Agence française de développement (AFD)
  • Mayke Geradts, Vice President - Sustainable Finance, ING
  • Diana Smallridge, President, International Financial Consulting


The evolving landscape for blended finance

Presentation from the blended finance task force outlining developments in approaches to blending
  • Katherine Stodulka, Programme Director, Blended Finance Task Force

TUESDAY 8th June

During the following days, participants will split into small groups to brainstorm how we can tackle common roadblocks to successful finance of climate projects, based on challenges and case studies submitted by the community in advance. These discussions should take approximately 1 hour.

BR1 Green standards

In this breakout we will explore how different institutions apply various standards and benchmarks used to define green and ask participants to discuss whether or not better alignment is needed, and if so ,how to achieve this.

BR3 Preferred Creditor Status

Discussion around major legal and compliance challenges when structuring deals involving different sources of finance from MDBs / DFIs /ECAs and private sector investors.

BR2 Financing climate technologies

Financing innovative and sustainable technology is essential to advancing climate goals, but brings with it challenges which are often unique (to or for?) the specific sector in question. This breakout will look at how different sources of finance can play a complementary role in delivering various types  of clean technology (e.g. projects in renewables).

BR4 How to make climate objectives an integral part of the business

Exploring the different ways financial institutions adapting their business to incorporate green objectives in anything from risk assessment and management to product development.

BR5 Cooperative structures for climate impact

This breakout will look at examples or proposals for cooperative structures and ask participants to discuss how these could be used to enhance cooperation between public / private, multilateral / national and trade / development institutions to increase capacity for climate finance.

BR6 Transition finance

The shift to net zero is not instantaneous. This breakout will look at different strategies for transitioning to no / low carbon emissions and how we can pragmatically continue to support clients and industry as they go through this process.

BR7 Investment in sustainable infrastructure in less developed and high-risk markets

This breakout will look at the developing recommendations to improve the bankability of sustainable infrastructure projects in challenging markets, and how project sponsors can work with public and private financiers to achieve this.

THURSDAY 10th June

All workshop participants will reconvene on Thursday for a shorter session online during which the facilitators of each group will present feedback on the outcomes of their discussions and compare responses across all participants.

After this, final questions, wrap up and next steps for future CSM exchanges.