We're very excited to invite you to the Young Professionals first Technical Webinar of the year on Friday 21st April at 12pm UK time

Please note this Webinar is for members of the YP Initiative only. If you're not yet a member but would like to join us, please email Nicole: ncherry@berneunion.org 

The Berne Union Young Professionals Core Group is excited to announce its upcoming webinar entitled "A fuel for growth in Sub-Saharan Africa? Insights from Zimbabwe on how to make Credit Guarantees work for SMEs". This webinar will provide Young Professionals with valuable insights into the importance of SMEs in Zimbabwe and beyond, as well as practical implementation strategies for credit guarantees that support their growth.

The webinar will begin with a presentation by Mr. Moses Taru, a Young Professional from ECGC Zimbabwe, on ECGC’s Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. As someone who is personally involved in the practical implementation of the scheme, Moses will share his enthusiasm and expertise with attendees. He will explain the setup of the MSME Credit Guarantee Scheme, its challenges, and some success stories in its implementation.

Following Moses’ presentation, Ms. Rennie Kariuki and Mr. Philip Mulaki from the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) in Nairobi will offer their insights on credit guarantees for SMEs. Rennie and Philip are responsible for the agency's SME guarantee scheme. They will broaden the view from Zimbabwe to Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole, explaining the similarities and differences between ATI’s and ECGC’s approach to credit guarantees for SMEs. Attendees will gain valuable insights from their personal experiences with SMEs and best practices for supporting their growth.

This webinar is perfect for young professionals who are not familiar with the specificities of credit guarantees for SMEs and the specificities of export credit guarantees in Africa. Of course, there will also be plenty of room for you to ask your questions to Moses, Rennie and Philip. Join us on April 21st for an informative and engaging webinar.